Oppo Reno2 Waterproof Test


This video is about some waterproof tests on the Oppo Reno2. 

Is Oppo Reno2 waterproof or water resistant? You will find answers in this video. Publisher: Witrigs - http://www.witrigs.com/


Hello everyone, today we are going to do the waterproof evaluation of Oppo reno2.

The OPPO Reno2 mobile phone case is much larger than other mobile phone boxes. The back of the mobile phone continues the OPPO Reno's symmetric centered design. The four-photo and OPPO LOGO are centered on the back glass of the fuselage. In addition to mobile phones and often accessories, there is also a mobile phone case.

From the actual sample, OPPO Reno2 can produce reproducible photos with plenty of daytime light.

From the actual sample, OPPO Reno2 can produce reproducible photos with plenty of daytime light.

The Oppo reno2 phone is coated with an oleophobic layer that effectively separates the water droplets. In daily life, even if the screen drops water droplets, don't worry.

After the flush test, the phone's sliding and photographing were not affected.

In the front shower test, we can see that there is no splash screen on the phone screen. At this time, there should be no water inside the phone.

When we did the shower test on the reverse side, the screen began to jump continuously, but the sliding page and the photo still functioned normally and were not affected by the functionality. You can even call in the heavy rain, if you are willing.

What surprised us the most was that when we put it into the water for a minute, it didn't even show bubbles. We know that most mobile phones have lost this step, but obviously, Oppo reno2 is not here.

Of course, we can't give up halfway. In order to make the experiment successful, we started to flush the mobile phone directly. After the flushing, the touch of the mobile phone began to be difficult to control. Next, we will look at its internal water intake.

After turning on the phone, there are only a few scattered small drops inside the phone. The Oppo reno2 should have a waterproof rating of 5-6, which is enough for life and waterproof.

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